Don’t assume that just because you will one day be 60 years of age that sex won’t interest you. There isn’t going to be a day when you wake up and say “gee, I wish I could have some sex!” Expect to have some of the sex you have today when you are 60.

The day may come when you find yourself single and without the needed sexual lubricant. And you will no longer be able to satisfy your self, or your partner. Guaranteed there will be no regrets.

Sex isn’t something you use only when you’re 20, it’s something you use when you’re 40 and 50. And sooner or later, when you use it less and less, it will become less and less of a priority.

It’s not the number of years you will live. It’s how confident you are and how comfortable you are with your body. And it’s not how good a lover you are. If you aren’t the best you can be, then don’t brag to the neighbors.

Of course, if you’re happy with less than the best, then by no means flaunt it. Confidence is key. But you want to be the best you can be in the bedroom. Confidence will lead to a sensuous woman and a willingness to learn more about your partner.

It’s better to learn more about what turns your partner on than to have them tell you what turns them on. Yes, they will prefer to share things with you, but they will be more reluctant to give up information. And how will you know when someone is not interested in getting physical with you?

It’s when people station their children in front of the TV to watch sports. They aren’t interested in the games themselves, they are more concerned with the commercials. More than likely, they are bored.

There is no reason why you should let advertising influence your sex life. Indeed, there is a very good chance that it has a restrictive influence. The reason being, people are naturally closed off when they are uncomfortable, and you think you are being open when you aren’t.

You are certainly not being open when you never trust your partner. Trust is a powerful influence. And although baseball is not the only sport on earth, it is the most loved sport, because people sit in bleachers and watch the game.

There is no doubt that sex influences our performance in other areas of our life, it does not have to be just in the bedroom. Do you eat meat? Probably. Are you a vegetarian? Probably. Do you take drugs? Probably. Have you stopped drinking alcohol? Yes! Do you smoke cigarettes? Probably. These things will contribute to your performance in life, why not in the bedroom?

It is interesting to note that the number one thing that boyfriends and girlfriends give to their partners after breaking up for a while is kissing – something neither one of them are giving to the other anymore. So figure out what you are doing wrong and do something about it.

Where to get help

therapy. You are certainly not alone. Many of us have found a friend or a confidant who has gone away somewhere and sought therapy. This is a safe place to be and if you feel you need more help than a therapist can provide, go ahead and contact them.

Relationship therapy.If you are presently in a relationship, there is probably something that you are not doing to make it work. All relationships need work, and work requires communication. If you are trying to be intimate with your partner but they aren’t into it, try talking to them. If you can’t communicate in a healthy way and you are both afraid to say what you need, seek couples counseling.

There are many options out there for you to resolve your relationship. Keeping each other’s needs different creates harmony in a relationship and ensures that you are both getting what you need. Remember, when you are working on your relationship, you are only limited by your own imagination.